Friday, 5 December 2008

more recent good fortune at gigs

managed to make a little fun with a reviewer and still get a good write-up in the evening thing was the way he had commited to a rather definate sitting position with his elbow up on the top of the empty seat next to him and i threatened to have is shirt off his back as my secret london hobby is swapping my check shirt for another..i have two for 1 so far..two shirts swapped one knock back...

last week at a huge gig at KOKO i was compering and while rich hall was on i was playing fanny-ball with his wife karen which is like ping pong without the table the net ir the bouncing..and the ball went on the sofa behind a cushion and then she dived after it and for a laugh i dived over her and rich hall came offstage and not only were we pissed and giggling we were in sa fairly comprimisin saidd.."what the hey..' and i had no time to explain just had to run on and indroduce thee inerval..

last night in the soho theatre i got a free grolsch from Jenny the bar manageress..a free jack d and lager mix from stuart and a talisker from am army officer and from davido'doherty..we made the beautiful stern staff finally laugh until even when my birky sandal flew behind the bar they were happy....the gig itself was the first one i have ever done with a n official programme outlining the events...overture:a raising of themes to be later developed and expanded...ACT I a man considers his good fortune and redesigns the undeerground tube train carruage...
..sadly i forgot to do that so tonight i shall be moving the crowd on their chairs to be sat like a tube train and do some pole dancing..


Eleanor said...

Hullo fluff.
I am momentarily nostalgic for the days when you compered at the Dundee Rep (hence the random drunken oogling that led me here). Strange fun times.
I hope you are well and happy.

Eleanor x

Anonymous said...

Phil! Come to America! We need you! Bring lunch, I'm hungry!